Headshot Events

Looking to hold a community headshot event at your apartment building for your residents? It’s as simple as Promote. Register. Snap! You promote the event to your residents; they register online; and I simply come to your common space/lobby, set up, and snap away! Your residents don’t even have to leave the building to get their headshots taken!

Basic Information

WHERE: My headshot events are held in large apartment complexes around the DMV, typically in the lobby, clubroom, or any open community space. My equipment requires about 10ft x 16ft of open space.

WHEN: You can schedule the events anytime between 10am-8pm on weekdays, but apartment complexes usually schedule full days so that we can serve as many residents as possible. But you’re more than welcome to only schedule a portion of the day (4-hour minimum).

WHO and HOW MANY: Both resident and building staff are welcome to attend the event. I can serve a max of 6 people per hour or 52 per day. Each person receives a 10-minute slot to themselves to make sure we get great shots.

PRICING: The cost is $55/person and 2 professionally edited, digital photos are included. There are 3 options for payment.

1. The building can pay for the entire event as a gift to the residents.

2. The residents can pay for themselves.

3. The building can subsidize it and pay for a portion of each person.

What does the building staff have to do?

Almost nothing! I will write out the announcement and reminder emails for the staff to send to the residents, the residents will sign up online, and I will show up an hour before the event to set up. Once someone registers for the event, I will be able to communicate with them directly. If furniture needs to be moved, I typically do it myself. But if you believe some furniture will need to be moved by staff, you’re more than welcome to have them do it.

Another thing to note:

I do carry a lot of equipment with me, so it is very helpful if the building can provide on site parking for me.